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FAQ About Vasectomy Recovery

A vasectomy is a surgical form of permanent contraception for men. This family planning method can be a suitable choice if you are done having kids or prefer not to have them at all. During the procedure, a surgeon seals the vas deferens, which are the sperm-carrying tubes, preventing sperm from entering the ejaculation fluid. Here are some commonly asked questions about recovering from a vasectomy:

How Long Does Recovery From a Vasectomy Take?

Depending on your urologist’s recommendations following the procedure, you may return to your everyday activities within 48 to 72 hours. Many individuals return to work within a week, though more time may be needed if your job requires a lot of strenuous physical activity. You can experience a full recovery around eight to nine days after the procedure.

How Can I Improve My Recovery Process?

How fast and well you recover after a vasectomy depends on how you care for yourself. A vasectomy is a minimally invasive procedure, so you may need to have someone drive you home afterward. Spend the first few days getting adequate rest while avoiding heavy lifting.

Observe hygiene to prevent infection in the genital area. Change your surgical dressing as frequently as recommended by your doctor to help keep the site clean. You can shower the day after your procedure, though you should avoid bathing and swimming for several weeks. Avoid activities that may cause excessive sweating or irritation on the incision area, and dry the area completely after showering. For the first 36 hours, you may also use an ice pack to relieve discomfort and swelling.

What Are the Possible Side Effects?

Some side effects are possible with a vasectomy but should subside within 72 hours of the procedure. These include discomfort in the scrotum area, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. Acetaminophen can help you manage mild pain and discomfort. Contact your doctor if you experience lasting effects, and they will advise you on any next steps.

How Long Should I Wait To Engage in Intercourse?

A vasectomy does not affect your ability to have erections and ejaculations. How soon you resume sex depends on how comfortable you feel, though you should wait at least seven days after your procedure to allow the surgical site to heal. You also don’t become sterile immediately after a vasectomy, as sperm can remain in the vas deferens for several weeks or months. To prevent pregnancy, use other birth control methods until you can undergo a semen test. These tests are scheduled a few months after the procedure. They may be repeated several times to make sure the procedure is fully successful.

Ask a Urologist About a Vasectomy

Vasectomies are an effective way to decrease the risk of unplanned pregnancy, and any man who does not want more children can be an eligible candidate. The procedure is simpler than tubal ligation, has a relatively quick recovery process, and should not affect sexual performance. Consult a reliable urologist to answer any questions you have about recovering from a vasectomy.

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